
Check out our guide to tempeh, including where to buy it and plenty of recipe inspiration, then read about aquafaba, nutritional yeast and jackfruit.

What is tempeh?

Originating in Indonesia, tempeh is made from cooked, fermented and pressed soy beans, which create its unique and umami-packed flavour. The beans are formed into a block and sold vac-packed or in jars. Tempeh is used in similar ways to tofu, and is a good protein source for vegans and vegetarians.

Where to buy tempeh

The Tofoo Co. tempeh, £2.85/200g, Waitrose
This natural tempeh can be used in plenty of different dishes – check out our best recipes below.

Biona Organic Tempeh, £6.26/400g, Amazon
Pick up a jar of organic tempeh from familiar brand Biona.

Impulse Original Tempeh, £18/5 x 200g, olive shop
If you get through tempeh regularly, stock up with this five-pack you can keep in your storecupboard.

Tempeh recipes

Vegan bacon

Slice into thin strips and marinate in soy sauce, maple syrup and liquid smoke for a delicious vegan bacon alternative.

Umeboshi tempeh and pineapple kebabs

Delicious chunks of marinated tempeh work brilliantly with juicy pineapple in this easy alternative to the traditional BBQ skewer.

Pineapple Kebabs with Tempeh on a White Plate


Adam Bush Chef Portrait
Adam BushDeputy food editor