Patatas bravas
Recreate this popular Spanish tapas dish at home with our recipe, complete with a classic paprika tomato sauce
Nutrition: per serving
Soak 250g chufa (tiger nuts) in water for 8-24 hrs, changing the water twice. Drain well in a colander.
Put half the soaked chufa and 500ml water in a blender and blitz for 1 min. Using a sieve, strain the liquid into a bowl and press the pulp against the sieve with the back of a wooden spoon to remove as much liquid as possible. Reserve the pulp to use later in rice puddings, pancakes or coca de llanda cake (see below).
Repeat the blitz-and-strain process with the rest of the chufa. Strain all the liquid through the sieve one last time, add sugar to taste and the cinnamon stick, if using. Leave to chill in the fridge until ice cold.