
From well known names such as Gousto to organic, plant-based or chef-led options, we've tested out the best recipe box delivery services so you can find the perfect option for you. Read on for our full review of the HelloFresh recipe box.

A giant in the recipe box industry, HelloFresh is one of the leading recipe box brands, delivering simple meals with quality ingredients.

Choice: HelloFresh has a wide variety of ways to customise your delivery to suit your tastes. Preferences include a vegetarian box, family recipes suitable to children's palates, or quick recipes that require under 20 minutes preparation time. There's a wide range of dishes available, from a variety of cuisines – there's everything from tacos to pasta and more, plus further options to customise recipes with additional ingredients or to add extras like sides and desserts.

Occasion: The recipes are most suited to midweek cooking, as the dishes are simple to assemble and quite substantial. You can customise the portion size from two to four people and the number of recipes from three to five – requiring a higher commitment than some of the other services, which let you start at just two boxes.

Quality: The ingredients are top-quality and perfectly fresh. Cooking is simple and stress-free, with detailed instructions suitable for beginners. We enjoy the variety of dishes and flavour combinations that we wouldn't necessarily think to put together ourselves, with the only ingredients not included being oil, salt and pepper. You may have to double-check certain ingredients are the correct measurement for your portion size, which may be a drawback for some.

Packaging: The ingredients arrive perfectly chilled in insulated packaging, which was mostly recyclable. It's worth noting that not all the ingredients recommended for the fridge come in the chilled pack, so be sure to double-check all the packaging for anything else that needs to be refrigerated. Each recipe has its own bag of ingredients, which makes it easy when it comes to gathering everything to cook.

Value for money: With prices from £29.99, HelloFresh is great value for money, particularly for novice chefs or busy families.


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